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Access to Food


About FareShare

FareShare is the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and tackling food waste. CFINE operates FareShare Grampian, Highlands & Islands which covers 7 local authority areas - Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Highlands, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland.

Together in 2023 we delivered 1020 tonnes of food, equivalent to over 2.42 million meals with a retail value of £2.88 million, to individuals and third sector organisations supporting vulnerable people across the north of Scotland.

As part of the FareShare scheme, we redistribute perfectly good, surplus food from the food industry to Community Food Members (CFMs), who are frontline charities and community groups supporting people experiencing food insecurity.

Becoming A Community Food Member

When your organisation becomes a Community Food Member, you will be linked with your local Regional Centre, CFINE. We will manage your membership, provide the food to you, and assist you during your CFM journey. We will also answer any food-related questions that may arise.

The food that you receive will be within its use-by date or best before date unless a manufacturers extension has been distributed or the FareShare extension policy can be applied. We follow stringent policies and procedures for storage and transportation to meet all food safety legislations. Food becomes surplus for a variety of reasons, such as coding or cosmetic imperfections which will not affect food quality. The types of food you will receive will vary from week to week.

If you are an organisation who wants to become a CFM and join the FareShare network, please get in touch. Please note the due to supply issues, we currently have a waiting list for new CFMs.

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