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Skills Development

Warehouse Skills Development Programme

Looking to pursue a new career by obtaining warehousing skills and qualifications?

The Warehouse Skills Development Programme will help you gain experience in warehousing and take part in certificated learning, such as Food Safety, HACCP, manual handling as well as forklift truck operator training. We believe that quality training and increasing certification are at the core of improved employability, expanding your horizon of opportunities and moving you closer to success in the job market.

At the same time, we also offer support and advice on your own personal development, benefits, budgeting, and cooking skills.

The 8-week programme is run in association with Oilennium / Skills Assurance, BM training, and other partners to ensure you receive a combination of high-quality training from experts. Our goal is to help you prepare for your career by obtaining industry-relevant qualifications, learning new life and job seeking skills and partaking in personal development. This programme is available to people aged 16 plus and is aimed at those currently experiencing barriers to employment, for example; long term unemployment, mental health issues, lack of suitable qualifications or experience.

The Warehouse Skills Development Programme is delivered by CFINE, which operates FareShare Grampian, Highlands & Islands. To find out more about FareShare Scotland click here.

For more information about the Warehouse Skills Development Programme please email or call us on 01224 596156

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