CFINE are proud to support the Poverty Alliance's annual Challenge Poverty Week campaign:
"The first Challenge Poverty Week was launched by the Poverty Alliance in 2013.
We wanted to highlight the injustice of poverty in Scotland, and to show that collective action based on justice and compassion can create solutions.
The week is an opportunity for you to raise your voice against poverty and unite with others in calling for a just and equal Scotland. Each year, hundreds of organisations in Scotland do just that, including elected representative, charities and NGOs, local authorities, faith groups, businesses, school and colleges, trade unions, professional bodies and more."
There are plenty of events to get involved across Aberdeen and Online:
Empower Aberdeen - Monday 7 October @ 10:00am – 4.00pm, Music Hall
A community fair, providing direct access to support available across Aberdeen. It will be a day of sharing services, experiences and networking with other like-minded organisations in Aberdeen to improve the lives and homes of those living in our city/area.
Aberdeen City Council and Community Planning Aberdeen are just two of the stall holders at the event. All community organisations being invited to sign up by following the link MusicHall2024 (scarf.org.uk)
The event is being sponsored by Community Planning Aberdeen Responsible Business Partner Vital Energi who are paying for the cost of the venue.

Challenge Poverty Aberdeen – Screening and Dialogue - Friday 11 October @ 10:00am – 12.30pm, Music Hall
Fairer Aberdeen Fund partners are holding a special event to mark Challenge Poverty Week (7th – 13th October 2024). The event is aimed at raising awareness of the lived experience of poverty and inequality of Aberdeen’s communities, as well as creating a space to share, consider and discuss opportunities and ideas that will help us make the shift towards a fairer and more equitable society. The event will include a combination of short films, presentations, panel Q&A, and lived experience discussion groups. This is an open event, and everyone is welcome. Please feel free to share this invitation with your contacts. Join us in making a difference and taking a stand against poverty.
Click here to reserve a spot here.

Station House Media Unit (SHMU) - Events
🎬 This week, watch powerful films created by @shmuORG for #CPWABZ24, highlighting the real-life experiences of people living in poverty and their hopes for change. 🌍 Together, we can #ChallengePoverty and amplify the voices that need to be heard @PovertyAlliance
🎧 Tune in to shmuFM 99.8FM or online https://bit.ly/3TeH7Jf every day from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm to hear local charities and community organisations share how they’re working to #ChallengePoverty. Don’t miss these inspiring stories during #CPWABZ24! @PovertyAlliance @shmuORG #ChallengePoverty
🎙️ Tune into shmu IN FOCUS every Mon, Wed & Fri during #ChallengePovertyWeek! We explore, health inequalities, unpaid carers & stigma. Listen now: https://bit.ly/InFOCUS
#CPW24 #CPWABZ24 @PovertyAlliance @shmuORG
Online Events
- Poverty Alliance Breakfast Briefing on Housing, 7 Oct @ 9-9.45am
- Housing and women who sell or exchange sex, 7 Oct @ 11-12.45am
- Poverty Alliance Breakfast Briefing on Transport, 7 Oct @ 9.30-10.15am
- Tackling Financial Disadvantage in Migrant Households Tickets, 9 Oct @ 12pm
- Ensuring Adequate Income, 9 Oct @ 1-3pm
- Poverty Alliance Breakfast Briefing on Food, 10 Oct @ 9.30-10.15am
- Lived Experiences Online Conference, 10 Oct @ 10-1pm
- Poverty Alliance Breakfast Briefing on Communities and Volunteers, 11 Oct @ 9.30-10.15am
National Events
There are also plenty of events taking place up and down the country, including:
The Annual Challenge Poverty Lecture – Thursday 10 October @ 6pm – 8pm - Govan Mbeki building (Glasgow Caledonian University)
The keynote speaker for the Annual Challenge Poverty Week Lecture will be Professor Angela O’Hagan in her capacity as Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission. This free event, hosted by The Poverty Alliance and Scottish Poverty Inequality Reduction Unit (SPIRU) will include time for Q&A with Professor O’Hagan to explore some of the key issues that face us today as we #ChallengePoverty. Click here to book a spot.

To see a full listing of the events taking place across Scotland please visit https://www.povertyalliance.org/cpw/