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Lanna's first week as a SAFE Team Advisor!

Posted 4th Nov 2024 · Blog

By Lanna Ribeiro

Hello everyone,

My name is Lanna, and I’d like to share a bit about my first week as a SAFE Team Adviser at CFINE. But first, I’d like to tell you how I got to know the organisation and what led me to apply for the position.

I moved to Aberdeen in August this year and have been actively looking for a job since then. Through some fellow Brazilians, I met a lovely person named Livia, who told me about CFINE and later sent me the link to the job listing. As soon as I read the job description, I felt I’d found what I was looking for—it was more than just a job; it was a chance to put into practice what motivated me during my social work studies: fighting poverty in all its forms.

Lanna in the SAFE Team office

So, I decided to apply, despite not having direct experience in financial advising and still learning about the UK’s welfare system. I wanted to show my willingness to learn and to be part of such meaningful work that makes a difference in people’s lives. When I received the interview invitation, I could hardly believe it. I tried to prepare as much as possible, but I knew I already had what was most important: the drive to make a difference.

During the interview, I was warmly welcomed by Sam (CFINE's Business Development) and Kerry (CFINE's Senior SAFE Advisor), who put me at ease and helped calm my nerves. They showed a very human approach, recognising my limitations but also seeing my potential. After the interview, I tried not to get my hopes up, as there were other candidates for the role. But the very next day, I received an unexpected call from Kerry and Sam inviting me to join the team! I was over the moon with happiness.

My first day at CFINE was 21 October, and I have to admit, I was a bit nervous, but Kerry reassured me. I was given a tour of the organisation, meeting everyone and learning a bit about each area within CFINE. During this first week of immersion, I got to learn about some of the projects and the working dynamics within the SAFE team, as well as get familiar with the software used for managing cases and tasks.

There were moments when I felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information, but my colleagues were incredibly supportive and reassured me. I feel happy and grateful to be part of a team that prioritises the mental health and wellbeing of everyone, whether staff or beneficiaries. I am deeply thankful for everyone’s support and hope to always contribute in the best way I can towards a society free from poverty and social inequalities.