Let’s Talk Community Food!
CFINE held ‘Let’s Talk Community Food’ on Wednesday 28th August 2024 at the Aberdeen Arts Centre. This event was made possible by funding from Public Health Scotland (PHS) and consisted of speakers, thematic workshops, and networking opportunities.
The day was built around two workshop questions:
1. What are examples of best practice when collaborating on Community Food Projects? What do you need locally and nationally to support your work?
2. How do we collectively ensure Lived Experience is at the heart of Community Food Development?
Either side of these morning and afternoon workshops attendees listened to talks from:
- Alison Owens - PHS
- Professor Flora Douglas – Robert Gordon University
- Fiona Young - Tillydrone Community Flat
- Dave Simmers – CFINE founder and former Chief Executive
The speakers provided insight from their experiences and areas of work, which helped set the context and provide inspiration for each of the themed workshops.
Attendees, from a variety of public and third sector organisations, discussed the workshop questions and were asked to come up with 2-3 tangible actions. These actions and the general brainstorming notes were then collected by CFINE staff and collated into a report – which you can read here.
Workshop 1 – What are examples of best practice when collaborating on Community Food Projects? What do you need locally and nationally to support your work?
This topic was discussed and showcased that there are key themes that those attending the event felt were crucial to ensuring best practice and longevity of projects. Examples were things such as long-term funding, sustainability and community ownership and holistic and integrated support. There was an emphasis on evidence based, outcome focused practice. You can read about the other themes here.
Workshop 2 – How do we collectively ensure Lived Experience is at the heart of Community Food Development?
This theme included discussion around how to embed Lived Experience in the development of Community Food, such as through paying and recognising participants, building trust for long-term involvement, ensuring clear communication, and ensuring empowerment and agency. All themes showed a clear indication that respect, inclusivity, trust and collaboration are all at the core of effectively ensuring Lived Experience is at the centre of Community Food Development.
There was also the opportunity to view stalls showcasing CFINE's services, particularly focused around CFINE's Social Enterprise activities and how food brings people together. Aberdeen City's Sustainable Food Partnership Granite City Good Food also hosted a stall showcasing their work and are actively encouraging people to Sign the Charter, an opportunity for businesses and individuals to commit to an ethos around sustainable food.
A huge thank you to Public Health Scotland, the speakers, the Aberdeen Art Centre, and all the CFINE and PHS staff that helped out on the day. A huge thank you also to everyone who attended the event and contributed to the wealth of discussion which has provided reflective and informed feedback.
You can also read reflections by Professor of Public Health, Flora Douglas in our recent blog post here and reflections from Dave Simmers, former CFINE CEO here.