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The Heavenly Dancers Food Drive!

Posted 22nd Nov 2024 · Blog

Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust (AFCCT), Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE), and the Aberdeen Football Club supporters’ group, the Heavenly Dancers, came together for the annual food drive – a tradition now three years strong. This year, they surpassed all expectations, collecting an incredible amount.

Sorting through donations outside Pittodrie

The Heavenly Dancers, named as a tribute to Aberdeen fans who have passed away, have committed themselves to honouring the memories of their fellow supporters not only through remembrance but through action. What began as a few friends meeting to honour lost fans has become a huge show of community solidarity. Each year, this dedicated group has organised a food drive with the ambition of giving back to their beloved city, proving that the legacy of Aberdeen fans extends far beyond matchday cheers.

Ex-Aberdeen FC Chairman Stewart Milne stopped by to make a donation

2024 has been a difficult year for many, with budgets becoming tighter as prices for essentials continue to increase. At CFINE we had hoped the collection would net a similar quantity to last year, but were mindful that people were continuing to struggle to make ends meet, and that this might slow donations down somewhat. Well, weren’t we to be proven wrong! The crew had really worked their contacts and by the end of the day we had collected 2.5 tonnes or the equivalent of 6000 meals. Along side this we collected a few thousand nappies and received a £500 donation from the Aberdeen Fans Project.

The success of this year has us ready for next year, the Heavenly Dancers plan to do it all again then!

The team with Aberdeen FC mascots Angus and Donny